Building a Dream: Inside the Ripple Retreat Construction

Read the latest blog from our intern, Nicola Lamb

My February started with a fascinating learning day alongside Lynne and Ian. He peeled back the curtain on the construction of the Ripple Retreat, revealing details I never knew! In the time-lapse videos, we watched the retreat rise from the ground, each frame a testament to the dedication poured into this beautiful retreat. Seeing John Dennis team working through harsh weather conditions to bring the project to life truly showed the passion behind the retreat.  

But the mastermind behind the operation was Ian, the Project Manager. He shared the unique challenges they faced, like needing a special crane, from George Leslie to hoist the iconic archway leading to the pier. 

This glimpse into the Ripple Retreat's construction was more than just learning about bricks and materials. It was about understanding the heart behind the project, the unwavering commitment to creating a calming space for cancer patients and their families.  

Thank you to a fabulous supporter who took this incredible photo!

Thanks Nicola!